As promised the Lord Napier got covered in paint. It was a great experience to do this painting performance wich I hope people enjoyed.
In resume, about 14 hours over Saturday and Sunday of full on painting. I used a lather with three legs that put my life at "risk" and I guess that added a bit of excitement to the viewer...
I had a very young art critic that said to me that the painting was scary...(he was six), but hey, it´s an opininion to take in account.
A review of the festival by Clare Callan for Run Riot would say:
"Stepping off the train the next day we came upon a performance artist with a gaggle of people watching him, he seemed to be in character as some kind of prophet of doom, “see” said my friend “apocalypse.”
(read the rest of the article)Other Criteria also mentioned the performance with a picture of the work in progress.
Click here to view the article)On Sunday I already felt the pain of this overexercise that was doing such a large painting in a short period of time, but at the same time I had a great feeling. I had lots of fun and I think that people enjoyed the show. Friends looked after me bringing me beers, coffee and food, also the organizers and volunteers that did a great job.
Although I couldn´t see much of the festival I heard great things about it and I saw people definetly having a great time. Well done all the artists and people of Hackney Wick!!
Finally I have already seen nice pictures of the performance, that will serve me as a way to rememner this experience.
The following photos are by my good friend and photographer Barnabe Freixo who I believe captured very nice moments of the two day event. Thanks Barny.
Have a nice day!