How are you?
Busy days...very very busy days these ones for me...The Vyner Studio is absorving all my time (in a very good way) and that´s the reason why I have not been posting as much stuff as I used to.
Now, in another level, a further step, I am having real contact with a serie of artists that are either creating at The Vyner Studio using it as their studio space or actually exhibiting their work.
Being in contact with all these artists and having seen like I have more than 2000 people visiting the actual space over the last 3 months makes me very proud : ).
At the moment exhibitions are being schedulled and I will soon present a programme untill October.
On last Thursday I exhibited my work and the invited artist was Francisco Centofanti who showed his art work but also did a painting performance encouraging people to take part in it as well.
On this pictures, some paintings I presented for this exhibition, where the blackboard and chalk where the main media.
I´d like to invite to the new real thing: The Vyner Studio, where hopefully I will showcase many artists that I have selected for this blog.
All the best!
Iker García Barrenetxe

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