“I am interested in portraits because I am surrounded by them everyday in the media. However I am not interested in drawing someone special but someone whom no one knows. I love to imagine the history and personality of a person simply through what they look like. I usually draw imaginary people rather than specific people because I have learned from many cases that we can never judge a person by his or her appearance. I am curious about what sorts of things can make a person be recognized/ differentiated from others. In order to find what the most important thing to differentiate people is, I create a lot of drawings. Through these drawings which were inspired by the public, I have made my "Imaginary portrait series."
(Yuko Nasu /Sesame Gallery) Yuko Nasu was born in Hiroshima and lives and works in London. Nasu´s paintings will be part of "Represent" at Blackall Studios in group show opening this coming thursday in Leonard Street, London. On this show we´ll see Mathew Small´s work as well. Funny enough I met Matt in person this morning as he was carrying his work to the gallery.
Bye now!
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