Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hackney Wicked Art Festival II Edition

Hackney Wicked Art Festival in London: 31st of July, 1st and 2nd of August 2009.

I will be opening my studio at Oslo House East Wing, flat 21, as many more artists in the area will do. It´s a great chance to meet new artists and see nice stuff over the 3 days of the festival with many events and lots of visitants.

Check the website for more detalis:

And this is one of the fisrt paintings I did when I arrived in London. This is back in 2001 and is the view from Hackney Wick Train Station.
At the time I didn´t know this area at all. I ended up here under random circumstances. Funny enough seven years after, I became a local of Hackney Wick and today, well now, as I am wrtitting this I can look over the window and almost see the same scene. Maybe I should start thinking about painting the destiny...

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